2025 – 2030 Strategic Plan

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Recycle Florida Today’s (RFT) Board of Directors and other members annually seek to continue the momentum of the association through our strategic plan.  The primary goal of the strategic plan is to provide direction in fulfilling our mission. This plan provides a blueprint for RFT actions and activities to guide us towards reaching our goals.

The Recycle Florida Today strategic plan is organized into four sections:

  • Organizational Structure
  • Our Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Purpose
  • Strategic Goals and Objectives
  • Operational Plan

Organizational Structure

RFT is a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization consisting of hundreds of members from various governments, businesses, institutions, and organizations that have an interest in advancing recycling, resource conservation, sustainable and environmental stewardship in Florida through source reduction and waste prevention, (reduction reuse, recycling, composting), and legislative advocacy, henceforward notated as SRWPLA. RFT is governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors comprised of representatives from various sectors of the recycling, reuse, solid waste, non-profit, and environmental fields.  The Executive Team is comprised of the chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer of which are nominated and accepted by the standing Board of Directors.  The Association has seven standing and as needed ad-hoc committees. The Board governs RFT per its by-laws that were adopted in April 1992 and updated in June 2017. RFT’s daily affairs are currently managed, on behalf of the Board, through an agreement for professional services with Premier Management Group and Associates.


Our Mission

To provide value to our membership by promoting resource conservation and environmental stewardship in Florida SRWPLA.


Our Vision

To inform the public, law-making bodies and the business community of the economic significance and importance of waste prevention and source reduction and to demonstrate the high professional standards of those involved in the business of recycling.  This will be accomplished through sponsorship of educational meetings, research and publication of articles, reports, statistics, and other material.


Core Values

We value knowledge, collaboration, respect, dignity, and compassion. These values are core to our ability to lead our membership and network of recycling, environmental professionals and those interested in the business of recycling to ensure that will deliver our mission and achieve our vision.

Collective Action:  To function as a professional association among individuals engaged in the business of waste prevention and source reduction.  Engaging and organizing our membership to work together for the common good, mutually respecting our diverse working relationships.

Education and Continuous Learning:  To assist individual members in improving skills and techniques in waste prevention and source reduction.  This will be achieved through education, special studies, research, and the exchange of ideas and technical knowledge related to all forms of resource conservation and sustainability.

Professionalism and Collaboration:  To provide a forum for public, private, non-profit, and institutional recyclers to mutually discuss and resolve resource conservation and sustainability issues.


Our Purpose

To function as Florida’s state waste prevention and source reduction organization and the premier professional association for resource conservation and environmental stewardship in Florida through sustainable source and waste prevention, (reduction reuse, recycling, composting) and legislative advocacy association for individuals engaged in the business of recycling.  This will be accomplished through our short-term tactical plans and strategic goals and objectives.

  • To assist members in improving skills and techniques in waste prevention and source reduction through professional and personal growth opportunities.  This will be achieved through our membership services, educational awareness campaigns and communications, research, and the exchange of ideas and technical knowledge related to all forms of recycling
  • To educate public, private, and non-profit recyclers to mutually discuss and resolve recycling issues through our network, events, and communications.
  • To inform the public, law-making bodies and the business community of the economic significance and importance of recycling, and to demonstrate the high professional standards of those involved.  This will be accomplished through educational meetings, publication of articles, association and industry reports, statistics, and other material.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Financial Strength: 


Increase the financial revenue by 3% to 5% over the next five years.


To achieve this target, we will implement detailed annual financial projections to monitor the revenue increase, with specific milestones set for each quarter. We will also explore new sponsorship and revenue channels by leveraging digital marketing strategies and partnerships, with a goal of achieving a 5% annual increase in new membership categories


Research opportunities for recycling training and continuing education grants and other non-membership dues funding sources.


We will actively pursue partnerships with private companies, local governments, and NGOs to fund training programs. A designated committee will be created to oversee grant applications and identify sponsorship opportunities in alignment with our educational goals.


Assess fee structure every 2 to 3 years with a tiered rate increase structure for sponsorships, membership dues, and events.


We will regularly review and adjust the fee structure to ensure it aligns with inflation and organizational growth. Additionally, to maintain transparency, we will communicate the benefits derived from these increases to members. Early renewal incentives and multi-year membership discounts will also be offered to encourage long-term engagement.


Diversify program and educational revenue-generating programs that include virutual events.


We will introduce more premium, members-only webinars or masterclasses to offer deeper insights and specialized content to our membership. These events will be priced to contribute significantly to revenue while offering tangible value to attendees.


Member Benefits


Increase awareness of membership services and benefits.


To enhance member awareness, we will launch a quarterly digital campaign showcasing specific member benefits. This feature testimonials from current members and case studies that illustrate how they have effectively utilized RFT resources to grow professionally and make an impact in their fields.


ROI on membership services through our “United” Membership Strategy.


We will develop a Member Satisfaction Score (MSS) survey to track how effectively RFT is delivering on its promised benefits. The feedback gathered will guide adjustments to our services and offerings, ensuring maximum value for our members.


Showcase membership through member highlights and other opportunities.


We will introduce a “Member of the Month” initiative, which will spotlight members through exclusive interviews or features on our website and social media. This will increase member visibility and engagement within the community.


Survey members annually.


Our annual survey will be expanded to include specific questions about financial priorities, such as identifying services members value most and gauging their willingness to pay more for exclusive services or events that could enhance their professional growth.


Additional Suggestions for Growth


Increase the diversity of membership.


We will implement a targeted outreach campaign aimed at industries adjacent to recycling, such as manufacturing, logistics, and technology companies focused on sustainability. This campaign will emphasize the financial and networking benefits that these sectors can gain through membership.


Non-dues revenue streams.


To further diversify our revenue sources, we will explore the development of certification programs in recycling and waste reduction. These programs will be accessible to both members and non-members for a fee, providing additional income while expanding RFT’s influence and educational impact.


Increase the financial sustainability of the organization for long-term growth through the following income generating activities:

  • Grow the financial revenue by 3% to 5% over the next five years.
  • Develop six opportunities for membership engagement via webinars and face-to-face events, including partnered events
  • Increase the diversity of our membership
  • Diversify program and educational revenue generating programs that include virtual events
  • Research opportunities for recycling training and continuing education, grants and other non-membership dues funding sources, including professional (hard) and personal (soft) skills training (Education Planning Committee/Membership Committee)
  • Research for the development of whitepapers and Florida economic impact reports (Education Planning Committee/Membership Committee)
  • Assess inflation annual for customary and reasonable membership rate increases not to exceed 5%.
  • Assess fee structure every 2 years (Board of Directors, as necessary) with a tiered rate increase structure for:
    • Sponsorships
    • Membership dues
    • Conference and in-person events
    • Online webinars, roundtables, networking events, and trainings
    • Specialty events such as the ELLS program


Advocacy and Service:  To serve as an advocate for the importance of waste prevention and source reduction waste reduction and the environmental, energy, natural resource and economic benefits to legislative bodies, the business community, and those with an interest in recycling.

  • Educate, empower, and mobilize members by providing educational resources, e-news alerts, and legislative summary updates
  • Collaborations with like-minded organizations
  • Increase awareness of membership services and benefits


Communications Plan: The committee will develop a plan to increase the visibility and awareness of the organization.

  • Develop a one-page communication plan that includes actionable items that membership and association partners can help support, including innovative initiatives such as our specialty license plate.
  • Identify advertising and marketing opportunities list
  • Showcase sponsors through highlights on our website, newsletter, social media, and email
  • Showcase membership through member highlights
  • Attendance of industry events by the Executive Director and Chair, as available


Organization Development: RFT will continue to examine its organizational structure.

  • Strengthen participation from municipality and county members
  • Evaluate and strengthen definition of roles and responsibilities of leadership
  • Streamline process for voting, tools for communication, membership status and participation
  • Attendance of industry events by the Executive Director and Chair, as available


Conduit of Member Services: RFT will offer industry professional development that focus on the members professional and personal growth.

  • ROI on membership services though our “United” Membership Strategy
  • Provide professional (hard) and personal (soft) development skills programs
  • Showcase membership through member highlights and other opportunities
  • Brainstorm innovative programs annually through the membership survey
  • Survey members annually (organizational return and industry advancement)


Operational Plan

Financial Strength:  Increase the financial sustainability of the organization for long-term growth.

  • To sustain membership of 185 members, with a goal to increase by 1% of the previous year.
  • Develop a tiered membership dues increase for the next five years to support financial stability of the organization.
  • Six annual events for membership engagement via virtual, teleconferences, webinars, and face-to-face events (Education Planning/Sponsorship/Communication)
    • Annual Conference and Exhibition with 150 attendees and 20 exhibitors
    • Environmental Lunch and Learn Series (ELLS)
    • Florida Tour of Counties webinars
    • Online webinars and face-to-face collaborations with like-minded organizations
  • Increase outreach and encourage participation from non-member municipalities, counties, non-profit organizations, and private sector organizations
  • Increase the diversity of membership to include non-traditional recycler with outreach to hospitals, school districts, corporate partners (Membership)
  • Diversify sponsorship opportunities through social media, direct emails, website and events (Sponsorship/Communications)
  • Highlight sponsor services through newsletter features, special editions, highlight opportunities at our conferences and website (sponsorship/communications)
    • Newsletter releases and one sponsor special edition featuring annual sponsors-only release
  • Research opportunities for recycling training, webinars, and continuing education (Education Planning/Membership)
  • Research for the development of whitepapers and Florida economic impact reports (Membership)

Advocacy and Service:  To serve as an advocate for the importance of recycling and waste reduction and the environmental, energy, natural resource and economic benefits to legislative bodies, the business community, and those with an interest in recycling.

  • Educate, empower, and mobilize members by providing resources, downloadable content and links provided on our website (Legislative/Education Planning/Membership/Communications)
  • Continue collaborations with like-minded organizations for sharing of information and events (Education Planning)
  • Increase awareness to governing bodies and membership engagement on legislative issues (Communications/Legislative)
  • Increase awareness of membership services and benefits through non-transactional offerings (Communications/Membership)



Communications Plan: To develop a plan to increase the visibility and awareness of the organization.

  • Develop a one-page communication plan that outlines objectives, as well as a target audience and method of sharing information.
    • Develop a list of local, state, and federal groups, state recycling organizations, and other like-minded industry organizations to connect with on social media
    • Follow organizations of members and sponsors
    • Social media shares
    • Direct email shares
    • Showcase sponsors through highlights on our website, newsletter, and email, and social media
    • Highlight members through a membership spotlight feature in the newsletters
  • Identify a press release, advertising, and marketing opportunities list
  • Attendance of industry events by the Executive Director and Chair, as available
    • Participation and attendance in leadership development and training (FSAE/Executive Director)
    • Collaboration and attendance to state and like-minded industry events that focus on state and regional interest
    • Attendance focuses on drawing new membership, sponsors, content for education shares and to expand the RFT network
    • SWANA certifications and other appropriate trainings (Executive Director)

Organization Development: RFT will continue to examine its organizational structure.

  • Evaluate and strengthen definition of roles and responsibilities of leadership
    • Establish plans of work for committees
    • Develop written policies and procedures guidelines
  • Streamline of voting and nominations process
  • Biennial review of bylaws and update as necessary

Conduit of Member Services: RFT will offer industry professional development that focus on the members professional and personal growth.

  • ROI on membership services though our “United” Membership Strategy
  • Provide professional (hard) and personal (soft) development skills programs
    • Webinars, electronic resources, social media shares
  • Solicit membership participation of member shares
  • Brainstorm innovative programs annually
    • Survey members for recommendations and suggestions for GAP analysis
  • Survey members annually (organizational return and industry advancement)
    • Survey members for other organizational interest and participation in industry events and training programs



Key Priorities for 2025-2030

Analyze Fee Structures

  • Evaluate membership dues structure for continued growth and sustainability
  • Develop a gradual tiered increase for membership dues for the next 5 years
  • Assess and adjust membership rates based on the current years’ inflation rate for customary and reasonable increase, no greater than a 5% increase annually
  • Create opportunities for fee structure membership services and events
  • Develop service opportunities for membership professional (hard) and personal (soft) skills trainings
  • Develop non-dues revenue streams and opportunities


Advocacy Outreach

  • Create opportunities to engage members with legislative resources
  • Create a legislative toolkit and engagement letter
  • Develop bi-annual legislative summary updates


Education and Communications Resources

  • Expand membership offerings to include at least two virtual offerings annually
  • Increase online engagement with our membership and network
  • Develop a social media educational and resource toolkit



  • Update and refresh association documents with current scope of membership services and terminology
  • Update all committee work plans


Membership Retention and Growth

  • Implementation of the United Membership Strategy
  • Grow membership by 1% over the year prior with a base of 185 members
  • Diversify and expand our membership with a focus on expanding like-minded partnership, identifying opportunities to expand our members professional and personal develop through education, resources, and trainings


Approved October 2024