Florida Food Waste Prevention Week (FFWPW)
April 5-9, 2021
Recycle Florida Today, Inc. is a founding partner in Florida Food Waste Prevention Week (FFWPW). This unprecedented statewide, public/private collaboration seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of reducing food waste and inspire action to change behavior in our homes, workplaces, and communities.
During the week of April 5-9, 2021, we will collectively educate Floridians about the correlation between food waste reduction and saving money, reducing hunger and protecting natural resources.
Join leaders across the state and act now to be part of the solution. Partner with the Florida Food Waste Prevention Week (FFWPW) by amplifying messaging to your internal workforce and through social media. Additionally, opportunities to sponsor K-12 and university student contests and activities are available.
Download the Florida Food Waste Prevention Week (FFWPW) partner PowerPoint presentation via the link below for more information on how you can be involved and sign up for the introductory meeting on January 26 to discuss how you can partner.
Please register on the website at www.savethefoodfl.com. We look forward to your partnership!