2022 – 2024 Board of Directors
Original release date: Thursday, May 26, 2022
To: Recycle Florida Today, Inc. Members
Re: RFT Board Member Nominations: 2022 – 2024 Term
Take time to review the candidates for our 2022-2024 Board of Directors and cast your vote! This year Recycle Florida Today, Inc. has four (4) positions to be filled by candidates to represent the board. RFT uses electronic voting to streamline the elections process. This web-based e-ballot promotes our mission of waste reduction, it’s convenient and should result in higher election participation.
Cast your vote today, it’s fast and easy!
Meet our candidates below. Take an opportunity to read information from each candidate, as they share the value they feel they would bring to the board.
Vote now! Review the candidates and proceed to cast your vote at – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022-24boardballot.
Please review the information carefully and place your vote by Monday, June 27, 2022 by 5:00 (EST). Newly elected Board members will be announced at our annual business meeting on Wednesday, June 29th.
Review your member voting email that was sent on May 26, 2022 for directions on how to complete your vote.
Candidate Statement –
I have been with KCB since 2003 as a volunteer, part time staff and in the last six years, as the Executive Director. I enjoy the position and the volunteers that we work with. I believe that education is key in the process of taking the steps needed to reduce waste and protect our resources for us and for those we serve. If chosen, I look forward to working with the board to support the mission of RFT.
Candidates in alphabetical order by last name.

I have been with KCB since 2003 as a volunteer, part time staff and in the last six years, as the Executive Director. I enjoy the position and the volunteers that we work with. I believe that education is key in the process of taking the steps needed to reduce waste and protect our resources for us and for those we serve. If chosen, I look forward to working with the board to support the mission of RFT.

There are many qualified individuals who would be effective on the Board. I hope to see their applications along with mine. Some compelling reasons why I deserve consideration are: I have been and hope to continue being very active in RFT, I have been a member of RFT for 8 years, I have been a Board member for 4 of those eight years, I’ve been Co-Chair of the Organics Recycling Committee for 6 years, the Communications Committee for 3 years, I serve on the Board for the good of the environment and the benefit of RFT.

I believe that my government affairs, public relations, and community outreach experience in both the solid waste industry and elected office bring a unique and diverse viewpoint to the RFT Board. I have been an active member of RFT for over 6 years, and am currently the co-chair of the Sponsorship Committee. I am dedicated and committed to the purpose and mission of RFT, and look forward to continuing to promote RFT as a relevant and current organization amongst the business and municipal communities.

I am committed to serving the recycling industry of Florida in a professional manner and bring extensive knowledge and commitment to advancing the organization and its mission. I have been an effective member of the RFT Board of Director for many of years, as well as being its Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee, and Co-Chair of the Organics Recycling Committee. I pride myself on working well with the other Board Members.
Voting Deadline:
In order for your vote to be counted towards the selection of the Board of Directors for the 2022 – 2024 term, your e-ballot must be received by Monday, June 27, by 5:00 pm (EST).
In order for your vote to be counted towards the selection of the Board of Directors for the 2022 – 2024 term, your e-ballot must be received by Monday, June 27, by 5:00 pm (EST).
If you have questions, comments or concerns please contact Heather Armstrong, Executive Director at (850) 907-1278 or via email at heather@recyclefloridatoday.orgbefore casting your vote.