Help Us Reduce Wasted Food
Want tips on how to reduce wasted food? Great! Take time to view, use, share, and download the FREE infographic on Reducing Wasted Food. It is a benefit of membership, courtesy of the Organics Recycling Committee with information provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.
How can you get involved?
Join us, other founding partners, counties, municipalities, organizations, and individuals for Florida Food Waste Prevention Week (FFWPW). This unprecedented statewide, public/private collaboration seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of reducing food waste and inspire action to change behavior in our homes, workplaces, and communities.
During the week, we will collectively educate Floridians about the correlation between food waste reduction and saving money, reducing hunger, and protecting natural resources. Read more on how you can be involved and become a partner at –
Log into your member portal to download the full infographic.